Densitometer for Easier, Less Costly Color Matching
Roland VW-S1 densitometer is an affordable, easy-to-use device that makes color matching easier and more cost-effective than ever before. Designed to work in tandem with Roland DG’s updated VersaWorks 6.8 RIP and print management software, the VW-S1 lets you make adjustments and share color accuracy between two like printers using the same ink type.* It’s a powerful tool that complements other innovative color matching features within VersaWorks 6.8, which comes bundled with new Roland DG inkjets and is also available for current VersaWorks users to update to, free of charge.
* The color matching function between printers is valid only when using the same model printers with the same ink type and configuration. Files must be printed with the same print settings including “Media Type” and “Print Quality.”
Color matching is one of the key functions of Roland DG’s feature-filled VersaWorks 6.8 software, which enables users to accurately control color differences between printers. This process typically involves printing a color chart for each printer that needs to match colors, then measuring the results with a spectrophotometer to generate individual values that are compared and automatically adjusted for. Until now, using a spectrophotometer – an expensive device that requires a high skill level – has been considered essential for the process. The new VW-S1 densitometer offers Roland DG users a more affordable option. It’s also incredibly simple to operate, making it ideal for those with little or no color matching experience.
The VW-S1 provides the density measurements required for color matching at a third of the price of a spectrophotometer. The ease of use is also a big plus – you just tap the tip of this compact device against the relevant color in the VersaWorks 6 color chart and press the button. Completing measurements with the VW-S1 is a quick process – a 4-color chart takes about 90 seconds and a 6-color chart takes about two minutes.
The VW-S1 is a “must-have” tool for anyone who produces a high volume of work from one client using multiple printers, or for those who print large, combined graphics with two printers and need the final output from each printer to be as consistent as possible. It can also be used to match the original color of a printer that is slightly off compared to when it was installed due to aging or replacement print heads.
VW-S1 is a simple, easy-to-use color measuring device that allows you to make adjustments and share similar color accuracy between two same printers using the same ink types. It can be used to control color “before and after” replacing a print head on a printer.
VW-S1 is designed for those who do not have color management or profiling knowledge but would like basic assistance in closely matching output from two or more printers that are the same model. It’s perfect for print service providers who do not want to spend the time or money on expensive color measuring devices or color management training.
Even if the same settings are used on the same models, every printer’s color output will vary or “drift” slightly from one printer to another. In most cases, this is due to print head aging or the replacement of print heads. Variances in color output can also be caused by slight differences between print heads on each printer, temperature or humidity changes in the operating environment, and the duration and use of each printer
The VW-S1 is an easy-to-use, affordable color matching tool offering the following primary features and benefits:
-Small and compact compared to other commercial spectrophotometers
-Simple to operate – requires very little training
-Allows those without a high skill level to achieve superior color matching results
The VW-S1 is not a color management software package, but rather a simple color matching assistant for users who are less experienced in color management. VW-S1 works within VersaWorks 6.8.0, saving time by not requiring the operator to use third-party color management software. Instead, it integrates directly into VersaWorks’ Printer Color Match Settings.
VW-S1 works with Roland DG VersaWorks 6.8.0 software.
- Operating system (OS) Windows 10 (64-bit edition)
- Windows 10 (32-bit edition), 8.1 or 7 is not supported
- CPU Intel Core i series or higher recommended
- RAM 4GB or more is recommended
- Video card and monitor supporting 1280 x 1024 or more is recommended, 32-bit true color
- Available hard disk space of 2 GB or more
- Interface USB port for USB cable integration with the VW-S1 device